Hot-air balloon flight around NEUCHÂTEL – FLIGHT OVER NEUCHÂTEL LAKE – From CHF 270.00

CHF 270.00

You take off at dawn for a two-hour hot-air balloon flight in the Neuchâtel region.

From your gondola you can see Lake Neuchâtel below, starting to change color. As the sun rises, the lake takes on an emerald green color.

First of all, what’s surprising when you’re at altitude is the silence that reigns both on board and outside. The sounds of civilization below do not reach you. Only the chirping of pilot flames from the burners accompanies you, barely disturbing the silence. The sun finally appears and warms our faces. The pilot regularly activates the burners to maintain the balloon’s altitude and make the most of favorable winds. Ballooning is like no other. It’s best to go to bed early the night before, as you’ll need to be up very early on the big day. Don’t forget to bring your GoPro for a great souvenir of your balloon flight.

We offer you more than 25 take-off points in Switzerland for a hot-air balloon flight.

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1) MONTGOLFIÈRE FLIGHT IN NEUCHÂTEL – approx. 1h30 to 2h CHF 420.00 per person
Additional information Youth price: Children aged 7 to 12: CHF 270.00/person
Early morning or late afternoon departure
You will be with other passengers.
Locations – Neuchâtel
– Yverdon-les-bains etc.
Flight time approx. 1h30 to 2h
Total duration approx. 4h
CHF 420.00 – 1 person
CHF 800.00 – 2 persons
CHF 1’200.00 – 3 persons
CHF 1’600.00 – 4 people
CHF 1’900.00 – 5 people
Pour réserver contactez-nous
2) MONTGOLFIÈRE FLIGHT TO NEUCHÂTEL – PRIVATE FLIGHT – approx. 1h30 to 2h CHF 1’700.00 for 2 pers. – Private flight
Additional information Early morning or late afternoon take-off
– Private balloon and gondola
– For more than 11 people. please contact us
– Neuchâtel
– Yverdon-les-bains etc.
Flight time approx. 1h30 to 2h
Total duration approx. 4h
CHF 1’700.00 – private flight (2 pers.)
CHF 2’000.00 – private flight (3 to 4 pers.)
CHF 2’400.00 – private flight (5 to 6 pers.)
CHF 3’100.00 – private flight (7 to 8 pers.)
CHF 3’600.00 – private flight (9 to 10 pers.)
CHF 3’900.00 – private flight (11 pers.)
Pour réserver contactez-nous

Additional information

Course of the activity: MONTGOLFIÈRE FLIGHT IN NEUCHÂTEL - approx. 1h30 to 2h

– Meeting place to be announced by telephone
– Passenger formalities
– Everyone helps inflate the balloon
– Adventure takes off…
– We'll land gently
– Everyone takes part in folding the ball
– Champagne and certificate
– Return by bus to the take-off point and goodbye

Practical information: MONTGOLFIÈRE FLIGHT TO NEUCHÂTEL - approx. 1h30 to 2h

Region: Neuchâtel
Season: Year-round
Minimum age: 7 years
Take-off: Miscellaneous

Contact us

Information: +41 (0)81 911 52 50
Office opening hours
Monday to Friday, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Email :


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