Freefall simulator in Switzerland

Enter the exciting world of aerial adventure with our free-fall simulators in Sion and Winterthur. First of all, let yourself be carried away by the thrilling excitement of the wind lifting you up. Then feel total freedom as you defy gravity in a realistic simulation. On the one hand, the experience is exciting, because you’ll be flying on your own. But it’s also a very safe activity.
Activity sequence
First of all, as soon as you arrive, a professional instructor takes charge of you. Then, before launching yourself into the windtube, you learn the ideal posture and the necessary movements. Then, together with your instructor, you head for the glass tube in which an extremely powerful wind tunnel is located beneath your feet.

The simulator offers a unique and educational perspective. It allows you to master the sensations of freefall before the big jump from a plane or helicopter. You can share the experience with friends and family, adding a social dimension to the excitement. What’s more, this adventure can be a memorable gift for special occasions.

By familiarizing yourself with freefall in a controlled environment, you eliminate any apprehensions. Explore the thrill of tandem jumping without leaving the ground. Book your freefall simulator session with friends now. Immerse yourself in an unparalleled aerial adventure, where every moment sets the stage for the real thing – an experience you won’t soon forget.

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