Helicopter initiation in Sitterdorf, Thurgau

First of all, to get you started on this adventure, remember that air travel is the safest way to get around. Experience the thrill of an introductory helicopter flight. When you arrive at Sitterdorf airfield, our instructor will give you a warm welcome.

Together, you head for the helicopter waiting patiently on the tarmac. Take your place on the right-hand side, the traditional pilot’s position. Similarly, your instructor, positioned to your left, begins detailed explanations of the various dials on the instrument panel.
Then comes the long-awaited moment: Motor! The rotor begins to spin, a sign that takeoff is imminent. Now wait for clearance from the air traffic controller.
For one thing, flying a helicopter requires a delicate approach. On the other hand, precise actions on the stick, rudder and general pitch control are essential. Rest assured, your instructor is at your side on dual control, ready to intervene if necessary, ensuring maximum safety. You’ll discover the subtleties of helicopter piloting, an experience you’ll never forget.
Déroulement de l’initiation au pilotage d’un hélicoptère
First, before the flight, the instructor shares theoretical notions about aerodynamics and the helicopter. Secondly, he explains the principle of rotor flight, which is different from that of aircraft. During the flight, you learn hovering and other maneuvers.

Don’t forget your camera to capture this helicopter adventure. A helicopter initiation in Sitterdorf is sure to be a welcome gift.

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